Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"Come out with your hands up!!"

It was about 7:45 last night when we had a little talk with our, as yet, unborn daughter. It went something like this, "Ok, we have an appointment with our doctor in approximately 14 hours and if we make that appointment we will ask him to do whatever it takes to get you out of your mother. So, your options are these: either you come out on your own before then, or we are coming in and taking you out. Oh, and we love you." So, being the stubborn and smart-alecked daughter that I know she will be she said, "Fine, you want me out, I'll come out, but I'm gonna wait until you've taken your sleeping pill and pain pill, and you're all settled down to go to sleep and then BOOM, then I'll come." And that is exactly what happened.
So, at almost exactly 10:00 pm Tori's water broke and we rushed to the hospital. We found out something about the information we were given in our classes and from our insurance people: they lied. We were told that if it's between 10pm and 6am to go through the emergency exit, not true. We were told that if you bring anything that needs to be plugged in, computer, phone charger, etc, you need to have the item checked out before it can be plugged in. They don't care.
The nurses are going to talk with the Pre-natal class instructors.

So, we're checked in and have been given and epidural and Pitocin and so far are still dilated to about a 4. We will have more info to come.

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