Thursday, May 13, 2010

Testing, testing, . . . . Is this thing turned on?

He slowly makes his way through the dark room, not entirely remembering his way around the obstacle course of objects that lay strewn about on the floor. He knows he's been here before, but just can't quite remember where the, "Ouch!" he exclaims as he stubs his big toe. "Oh, yeah, that's were I left that." He now gets his bearings about him a bit better and wanders around until he finds the light switch. Eagerly anticipating the illumination, he excitedly thrusts the switch into the 'on' position, but is immediately taken aback at the sight that greets him. In what he was beginning to think of as a familiar surrounding, he sees several people standing around in the semi-darkness. Upon closer inspection, he notices that they aren't doing anything, just standing there, almost trance-like, almost as if they were asleep. Recalling some of the faces now, he is lost in contemplation, do I wake them or not? He is normally content to let them be content and not bother them with his rather meaningless and sometimes boring dribble (no, not the basketball kind) but he has something important to tell them now. He looks around the room and finally comes up with a plan to immediately and unquestionably get their undivided attention. He grabs his wife, who is very pregnant, and heaves her at the sleeping mass of near comatose people in the room.

OK, sorry about the narrative but, apart from being a rare chance to stretch a writing muscle, is a bit analogous to how i feel about the way I've let my blog go for the past few months. I almost completely forgot how to log in and then create a new post.

But, now that I'm done bumbling around and getting back into the swing of blog posting again, i remember the real reason for renewing my bloginess. WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!! Not at this moment (sorry to any who are now running to their phones to call us) but soon, and have decided that the "lappy" (another term i never heard before moving to UT) will joining us in the delivery room. So, when available I'll be running over and keeping people updated on our progress, unless Tori breaks my hand (which is a very real possibility, she has one STRONG grip!)


  1. Hey handsome! I've missed your blogging! And I LOVE your talent of writing! (MORE MORE MORE!)

    I think "lappy" is a Phil-centric as opposed to Utah-centric term - same with compy or interweb. :)

    And I didn't think I was even allowed near your hand during labor... guess we'll find out! *wink*

  2. Yah, Mac... Nice to have you back (writing)...
    You do have a talent for using words and descriptions! You ought to keep it up...
